

For their Real Estate and Accounting department PensionDenmark has developed a solution with Power BI and Accobat's Planning tool accoPLANNING for handling budgeting and maintaining masterdata.

PensionDanmark downloaded accoPLANNING at Microsoft AppSource, and started the journey themselves with support from Accobat.

En mand i jakkesæt og hvid skjorte smiler til kameraet.

Having a common solution, where we have Budgeting into Power BI with a writeback capability of accoPLANNING, is a very good

fit for us "

Jacob Rønnow, Head of Data & Analytics (Datahub)

I downloaded it from AppSource, so I knew the app had been certified [...]

It was a matter of a few hours,

and then we were up and running,

and building on the solution”.

Stig Lauridsen, Senior BI Specialist (Datahub)

En mand iført en grå sweater og en blå skjorte smiler til kameraet.
En mand i jakkesæt og hvid skjorte smiler til kameraet.

“ After the implementation of accoPLANNING, we have eliminated all Excel from our budgeting and reporting processes [...]”.

Hung Huynh, Accounting Chief (Property Department)

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About PensionDanmark

PensionDanmark is one of the largest European pension funds. They have 800.000 members in 23.000 private and public companies. They are all covered by collective agreements between 11 unions and 28 employers' association.


The property department in PensionDanmark is the area where they use accoPLANNING.

They invest and develop housing for seniors, hotels, domiciles etc.

See case video

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Udfordringer - ikon
  • Time-consuming Excel-driven budgeting and forecasting
  • Project Managers working in many systems (Actual figures and Masterdata in ERP, Budget figures in Excel, Comments in word/Power Point etc.)
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  • One system (Power BI + accoPLANNING) for budgeting, forecasting, commenting, masterdata-update and reporting 
  • Saving time - away from manual processes 
  • Real-time insights ensures faster decisions

Representing PensionDanmark

Get more info about how accoPLANNING is making a difference for different stakeholders in PensionDanmark.

Top level

En mand i jakkesæt peger på en skærm med et youtube-logo i hjørnet

Jacob Rønnow,

Head of Data & Analytics (Datahub)

  • Worked with data and analytics since 1997
  • Worked in pension for 15 years 
  • A part of Microsoft Executive Board for Data and AI in Denmark
Watch 2 min. interview

Technical level

En mand, der sidder foran en bærbar computer med en rød afspilningsknap bag sig

Stig Lauridsen,

Senior BI Specialist (Datahub)

  • 23 years of experience with data and analytics
  • Working with Power BI and Datawarehousing 
Watch 2 min. interview

User level

En mand i jakkesæt smiler, mens han taler i mobiltelefon

Hung Huynh,

Accounting Chief  (Properties)

  • Responsible for Financial follow up
  • Project Management making a report about the property projects
  • Solution owner end user of accoPLANNING

Watch 2 min. interview

Solution overview

The solution is based on accountingdata from Navision, that runs into a Data Delivery Platform

and is made available in Power BI connected with accoPLANNING.

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  • Access to and basic usage of Power BI
  • Azure SQL Database
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Important features for PensionDanmark

  • Audit-log
  • Comments (the project leader can comment on the need for the budget)
  • Writeback
  • Click and unclick (Administrators can enable what the user can/can not see)
  • Drag and drop
  • Check box (used to close or lock a budget version so no one can use it and make changes)
  • Possible to work in different versions of the budget
  • Security can authorize who is allowed to write back in to the SQL Database 
En sort/hvid tegning af et spøgelse med tre øjne på en hvid baggrund.


  • Realtime update of planning data
  • Higher Data quality
  • Immediate insight
  • Faster Decisions
  • Master Data update in accoPlanning
  • One Tool only – for Project Management follow up
  • Saving Time

Read more about PensionDanmark's challenges and the solution

Budgeting and reporting in  one solution

PensionDanmark's main problem was that they had two different systems for maintaining budgets and comments, creating a problem for the project leaders. The main purpose of accoPLANNING was to solve the issues concerning budgeting, but also for maintaining master data. 

In the beginning Jacob Rønnow, Head of Data and Analytics, went to the the CFO and told him about accoPLANNING, and together they evaluated the tool. PensionDanmark requested a demo and trial version, and took a dialogue with Accobat about the features they needed. PensionDanmark was able to give feedback and custom the solution as they wanted. In February 2023 they went live.

According to PensionDanmark, accoPLANNING has a top functionality: a writeback function into the Azure SQL database. PensionDenmark is especially fond of using the functionalities "Comments" and "Audit" - which enables the project leaders to comment on the budget.

The main users of accoPLANNING are the Accounting Chief Hung Huynh and ten project leaders in the property department - more are expected to use it in the future. Hung Huynh integrated a lock file to follow all the differences. Together with the project leaders he did a test phase during the implementation so that the tool got implemented the right way.

Certified by Microsoft AppSource

PensionDenmark mentions AppSource as an important asset when downloading accoPLANNING. PensionDanmark is a Microsoft house, they are running on Navision (NAV), and Power BI is one of the tools on the shelf. Downloading accoPLANNING was therefore a good fit from a security and compliance point of view. It was easy to download and work with, and it was only a matter of a few hours before it was up and running.

accoPLANNING meets expectations

PensionDanmark's missing link was the ability to do writeback, and accoPLANNING stands out from other solutions because it's connected directly to Power BI. For PensionDanmark it was important that they had a tool that had Power BI as it’s origin - not the other way around.

Reporting is built into accoPLANNING and the approval functionality is an important feature for PensionDanmark. accoPLANNING met all their expectations. It was possible to have an impact on the solution, and if the success continues, they will expand accoPLANNING to other areas. For now accoPLANNING fulfills a business need, and they are using the tool to handle budgets in the real estate area.

Satisfied with Accobat's support 

PensionDanmark is satisfied with the good dialogue with Accobat regarding the implementation of accoPLANNING. For them Accobat, as a local partner, was the obvious choice for the project. At the same time they wanted to be a part of something that can really take off and they could not find other solutions that fit the criteria with budgeting and reporting in the same interface, and that had Power BI as a starting point.

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Want to try accoPLANNING?

accoPLANNING for Power BI with writeback empowers business users and offers advanced planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions.

  1. It makes it easy to visualize data
  2. The tool allows database writeback
  3. accoPLANNING gives many advanced customization options

Read more Try for free
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