BI from Accobat

Is better use of data

"We use it (BI, red.) daily to access data, on which we can make decisions and potentially make changes – 
basically, we use it to run our business"

Jens Daugbjerg, CFO, 
Iron foundry
A bald man wearing glasses and a suit is talking to someone.
While companies are very different, their needs and challenge are often similar. Accobat adapts the BI-solution to your business model and your challenges. 

Solutions like Power BI makes your analyzing and reporting much faster than with Excel. You could also choose the path of a fully-fledged BI-solution from TARGIT, in which you can work with all your data on one platform. 
The possibilities are many. It all depends on your needs and challenges, and don’t worry, we will guide you all the way through.

Download our free e-book on Datavisualisation

Four reasons to choose Accobat

Accobat is an expert in carrying out Proof of Concept solutions, where you can experience a given solution on your own data and in your own business logic. It gives you safety when choosing consultancy and product solution.
Teaching is an essential factor in getting the necessary organisational anchoring. We always create customer-specific lesson plans that everyone can follow.
Our Service Desk specialises in both Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management. It gives you a guarantee of qualified help from the first contact.
We offer a concept which contains hosting of BI-setup, development, feedback and support. By sourcing BI-competences, significant savings are usually found, as well as fewer bottlenecks and higher performance.

Our solutions create results here










Terma Allies in innovation


Valuable tools for BI

A black and white logo for targit courage to act.
TARGIT is the most comprehensive but at the same time user-friendly BI-solution. It is for you, who wants to do more with Business Intelligence and Analytics.
The power bi logo is black and white and looks like a hand.
Power BI can be connected directly to your data sources or on your data warehouse. Reporting has also never been easier or cheaper.
A microsoft sql server logo on a white background
Microsoft’s BI "Stack" is a wholly integrated BI-solution with server, client and developer products. It is fully integrated with MS Office.
A logo for accotool fuel for insight
AccoTOOL is a number of apps that can be used with your BI-solution, e.g. commenting, smart data quality management and much more.
Most people prefer a solution that matches needs and sector 100%. We have considered this.
Would you also like a custom solution? 
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