Although Kvadrat launched the new software project in late summer, they immediately started using Jedox for budget planning. Now they can access and analyze the results at the top and bottom of the chart of accounts across all companies and currencies.
In addition to Excel, Kvadrat also used their Axapta ERP system (Dynamics AX) in the budgeting phase. In the future, only Jedox will be used for budgeting. "Then we can also cut out the time in the budget process we usually spent on uploading data from Excel to Axapta," says Laurent Weiler.
Smooth collaboration
The finance manager also says he is pleased with the collaboration with Accobat's consultancy team. "We have had a very good experience with the team, which consists of a good architect and a strong project manager. They are very flexible and service-minded, and they are quick to understand the business and its challenges," Laurent Weiler concludes and says that it was also Accobat's team that came up with Kvadrat's Power BI-solution.
About Kvadrat A/ S
Since 1968, Kvadrat has been at the forefront of the textile business. The company is known for providing textiles for furniture repairs, blankets, and curtains made by renowned designers.